Federal benefits "open season" started today. This is the time that federal employees may change their insurance plans without a qualifying life event. Open season runs through Monday, December 11, 2017. Changes must be made by that day.
NTEU Members get free access to the awesome Washington Consumer's Checkbook health plan comparison tool.
Employees wishing to change their health insurance company may do so through the EmployeeExpress payroll system. Login, click "Federal Employees Health Benefits" on the left column, click "Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)," then click the "Change" button and follow the prompts.
To establish a flexible spending account with FSAFeds, click here. FSAFeds allows you to set aside pre-tax money to be used on certain, limited healthcare expenses.
To establish or change supplemental dental and vision plans, visit the Benefeds website.
One the fantastic benefits of NTEU membership is free access to the Washington Consumer's Checkbook health plan comparison tool. It's much better than the OPM tool. To access the the Consumer's Checkbook tool, first join NTEU, then login to NTEU’s web site, click the "Benefits" link just below the NTEU logo, click the Consumer's Checkbook image, then click "Consumers’ Checkbook’s online guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees and Annuitants."
This online guide is an innovative way to obtain reliable, useful information about available health plans and make fast, easy, personalized comparisons. The guide compares and ranks plans based on total costs including account premiums and estimated out-of-pocket costs (e.g., deductibles, co-payments, and prescription drugs); and on the yearly maximum that an enrollee could possibly have to pay out-of-pocket. The guide also offers comparisons of the FEDVIP dental and vision plans available to federal employees. Members can compare plan costs, review quality ratings, consider plan features, and gauge plan flexibility on issues like choice of doctors and other factors.