Consider Leave Donation to Dr. Grifo, EPA's Scientific Integrity Official

Dr. Francesca Grifo, the Scientific Integrity Official at EPA, is undergoing treatment for a serious illness. She is expected to be away from work until January 1, 2018.  Her accumulated annual and sick leave, and leave bank hours are exhausted. Please consider donating annual leave to help her out.  Dr. Grifo has been instrumental in helping our employees with Scientific-Integrity issues and we need her back.

Dr. Grifo is a member of the EPA leave bank. You may transfer your leave to Francesca by completing OPM Form 630-A and submitting it to your Leave Bank Coordinator.

She can also receive donations from federal employees of agencies outside of the EPA. Federal employees of non-EPA agencies who wish to donate leave to her must complete OPM Form 630-B.

All completed donation forms must be submitted to your Leave Bank Coordinator who will submit it to the National Leave Program Manager at for processing.

The list of Leave Bank Coordinators for EPA is provided below:

Region 1: Shirley McAfee, 617-918-1181

Region 2: Michele Richards, 212-637-4163

Region 3: Julissa Baez, 215-814-5334

Region 4: Delphine Williams , 404-562-8148

Region 5: Phyllis Simmons, 312-886-7532

Region 6: Cheremenia Fry, 214-665-7280

Region 7: Danielle Dunbar, 913-551-7806

Region 8: Elaine Robles, 303-312-6194

Region 9: Andrea Lee, 415-972-3826

Region 10: Heidi Kaplan, 503-326-3686

Ann Arbor: Daniel Kloc, 734-214-4461

Cincinnati: Daisha Hightower , 513-569-7659

Las Vegas: Kelly Hanna, 513-569-7345

RTP: Michael H. Davis, 919-541-0074

National Program Manager/Headquarters: Christina Hines, 202-566-1989

National Program Manager/Headquarters: Kim Y. Thompson, 202-564-5199

Thank you for considering this request to help Dr. Francesca Grifo.