Congress Averts Shutdown, Passes 47-day Continuing Resolution

Congress acted with hours to spare to clear a 47-day continuing resolution (CR) that funds the federal government through November 17th. The president signed the CR late Saturday night.

NTEU members united to avert a government shutdown by sending emails and making phone calls to members of Congress. NTEU is pleased that Congress heeded our calls to take action before a shutdown. Federal employees deserve better than the chaos leading up to funding deadlines, the threat of government shutdowns and the financial harm they cause.

However, NTEU is under no illusions that the spending battles are over. This is a stop-gap measure and Congress still must pass appropriations bills to fully fund federal agencies for the remainder of the fiscal year. Although a shutdown was avoided this week, NTEU members must remain engaged in this fight to ensure that agencies are appropriately funded before November 17th to avoid the threat of another shutdown.