Last Chance to Save on Membership This Year!

If you have been “meaning to join” NTEU as a dues-paying member, but kept forgetting to do it, you’re in luck! NTEU’s summer membership campaign lasts until this Saturday, September 25, 2021. If you join this week, you will receive a $100 dues rebate as a bonus! All it takes is a SF-1187 form (Request for Payroll Deductions for Union Dues) – you can download a fillable pdf here:

The 2021 Dues Chart is also on that page; consult it to find the biweekly deduction for your grade and step, and put that amount on the blank line with the $-sign. Send your completed and signed form to our Chapter President Amer Al-Mudallal at by Saturday, and you will receive a check by mail once the deduction request is processed. (Please provide your mailing address in your email message when you send in the form.)

Membership has benefits!  There is a brochure full of discounts available to members, as well as members-only sections on the national website.  Furthermore, while NTEU Chapter 280 represents the interests of all employees in our bargaining unit (BUS code 1053), only dues-paying members can vote to ratify (or reject) a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA, our contract).  The Agency opened our entire CBA for re-negotiation in 2018/9?, but the bargaining process stopped when the new Administration and senior leadership at EPA were installed.  The way forward is unclear at this time, but we one thing with certainty:  there is strength in numbers!  A union with a high percentage of members within a bargaining unit has far more leverage and credibility at the negotiating table.  If you want a contract that provides more flexibility in terms of schedules, telework, and leave usage; if you want a contract that holds Management accountable for respecting employees’ rights and treating all employees fairly; then help us achieve that – join today!!

If you have any questions about membership or what Chapter 280 is doing for you, feel free to contact any of the officers or stewards (listed under the “About” tab above), or send your question to
