One More Week for New Members Drive!

Let’s get right to the point:  NTEU Chapter 280 needs as many members as possible to have leverage in negotiating our new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) this fall and winter.  Our Summer Membership Drive rewards each new member with a $100 rebate.  (Each current member who recruits a new member will receive a $50 rebate for each recruitment.)  The Drive ends on September 26, 2020.

Why is the Union Important for You? 

If you work maxi-flex hours, if you like to telework (pandemic aside), if you have ever needed to hold managers accountable for following procedures, then you are enjoying the results of the hard work of your NTEU representatives to negotiate and implement the current CBA that went into effect in 2015.  Management has exercised its right to “terminate” the CBA, which means that every provision is open to negotiation.  However, and this is important, the CBA remains in full effect until it has been replaced by a successor agreement. 

You are probably at least somewhat aware of the troubles experienced by the Agency’s largest bargaining unit, AFGE.  They are now covered by a negotiated CBA that provides less telework, less flexible work hours, and far less opportunity to appeal unfair treatment or adverse personnel actions than their prior negotiated contract.  We already know that management intends to put the same provisions into our CBA, and we will have to fight tooth and nail not to lose anything we have in our contract, much less to improve or add anything.  Our ability to pressure management is directly proportional to the percentage of BU employees who are dues-paying members.  This is why membership numbers matter more than ever.

You can join by going to

Fill out SF-1187 and send it to to have dues deducted from your paycheck.  Please include your personal email address on the form so that we can reach you outside the government IT system if necessary.  (This was an important lifeline for getting information to members during the last government shutdown!)

If you have any questions, you can always send us an email at