NTEU President Reardon Writes to Administrator Wheeler, Requests Overdue Briefing on Coronavirus Response

Last week, we emailed our bargaining to share what we were communicating to agency leadership about the needs and concerns of EPA employees. We have yet to receive a response from management. 

During this time of crisis, when conditions and available information are changing daily, two weeks is far too long to go between union briefings. The unions serve as the voices of employees, and EPA is currently cutting out those voices when we think they are needed most. That is why NTEU President, Anthony Reardon, sent a letter this morning to Administrator Wheeler, requesting a briefing to engage with management to resolve the many issues and concerns that our bargaining unit members have communicated to us.

A copy of the letter is below:

Reardon Wheeler Letter 4.2.20.jpg

We continue to value and appreciate the input of our membership and will keep fighting for the rights and benefits of EPA employees. We will provide updates as we receive them.