Amer Al-Mudallal, NTEU Chapter 280’s new President
Joe Edgell is leaving NTEU 280 and EPA HQ to assume a position at EPA Region 10 to be closer to his aging parents.
The NTEU Executive Board met on November 29, 2018 and voted for Executive Vice President Amer Al-Mudallal to assume the President’s role. Amer has previously served with distinction as President of NTEU Chapter 280. Amer’s bio is here.
Joe Edgell, NTEU Chapter 280’s outgoing President
Joe will be sorely missed. Over his 11 years of NTEU activism, and especially in his 5 months as President, he has helped many members and strengthened NTEU at EPA. Whether it was his leadership, lawyering, negotiation skills, grievance-handling, communication skills, or fierce defense of NTEU and its members…. Joe gave us 1000%.
Joe often says that all of the members are the union, not just the officers. He hopes that he leaves EPA Headquarters inspiring employees to join NTEU as members, and participate as stewards and on committees. Joe set the bar high for all of us, and he will be very disappointed if our membership doesn’t step up and increase their involvement and support of NTEU.